Key Insights

    • On average, 1 in 5 Americans aged 18 or older suffer from a mental illness.

    • Approximately 1 in 4 adolescents aged 12-17 years reported receiving mental health services in the past year.

    • After reviewing their social media, 1 in 3 adolescents aged 12-17 report anxiety.

    • The overall prevalence of self-harm is almost 1 in 5.

    • In 2021, about a third of U.S. adults who suffer from a mental illness also experienced a substance use disorder.

    • Suicide is the second leading cause of death among people aged 10-34, preceded only by unintentional injury.

    • 54% of Americans have been affected by suicide in some way.

    • The rate of suicide is highest in middle-aged white men, with white males accounting for 69.68% of suicide deaths in 2020. 

    • Suicide is just the tip of the iceberg. In 2021, for each suicide death there are about:

      • 10 other people hospitalized for non fatal self-harm

      • 39 other people who attempted suicide

There is one suicide death in the U.S.

every 10.9 minutes.

    • 45 million Americans owe a collective $1.7 trillion in student loans. 34% of recent college graduates are working at jobs that only require a high school diploma.

    • Domestic violence in the U.S. increased by 8.1% during the 2020 pandemic.

    • 1 in 7 American high school students report having used select illicit or injection drugs (i.e. cocaine, inhalants, heroin, methamphetamines, hallucinogens, ecstasy, or misuse of prescription opioids).

    • Approximately 42% of U.S. marriages will end in divorce or separation.

    • American teens from upper-middle class families are 25-30% more likely to have higher rates of depression, anxiety and substance abuse than any other socioeconomic group of young people.

    • Although rates of depression are lower in Black Americans (24.6%) and Hispanic Americans (19.6%) than in White Americans (34.7%), depression in Blacks and Hispanics is likely to be more persistent.

    • Americans in metropolitan areas are 42.4% more likely to use illicit drugs than those in rural counties.

    • White Americans are more likely to die by suicide than people of other ethnic or racial groups.

    • Generalized across the U.S. workforce, unplanned absences due to poor mental health is estimated to cost the economy $47.6 billion annually in lost productivity.

    • About one million Americans miss work each day because of stress. Findings suggest 1 in 3 adult Americans are completely overwhelmed with stress and/or worrying constantly most days.

    • A majority of adults cited inflation (83%), the future of our nation (76%), violence and crime (75%), health care (70%), money (66%), the current political climate (66%), and the racial climate (62%) as significant sources of stress.

    • In 2020, suicide and nonfatal self-harm cost the nation over $500 billion in medical costs, work loss costs, value of statistical life, and quality of life costs.


  • Call 211 for non-emergency help. The 211 network in the United States made more than 23 million connections to help, resources, and services for people in 2021. 

  • There are many other 24/7, confidential and free hotlines to help in many situations you may need.

  • If you are in immediate danger, please call 911 or your local police station.

Youth Empowered

With so many statistics stacked against them, we feel the youth of today are largely misunderstood. While they are the most tech-reliant generation ever, they are also the most educated and sophisticated, with influence beyond their years.

Today’s youth has been accused of having an attention span shorter than its predecessors. We have redefined this statistic as an evolution of efficiency. While their 8-second filter is shorter, it is faster at curating what matters. If you can earn their focus and attention, they tend to remain loyal.

Their loyalty is seen in many areas such as social causes and being more conscious of the environment. They also value a healthy lifestyle much more than any previous generation. In our opinion, today’s youth are the most capable generation of shaping the future.

We believe they are the most Powerful Generation ever. They just need some help to find the right path! They still need us and we need them. They are the future!
— Tommy Jackson

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